Hamburg Learning and writing about everything that intrigues me




首先这里不得不介绍下男猪脚(没有女主角)和一个节目,这个男猪脚当年是英国政坛的一颗耀眼的明星,但现在已经过气多时了,在他如日中天的岁月里,中国国内官方媒体对他的报导几乎全是负面的,或者完全不报导,所以不会有太多人关注,大家的反应也是很正常的,为什么要去关注这么个一无是处的肤浅的整天笑得忒不严肃的人呢。而正是这个人,雄踞大英帝国首相宝座十年之久,带领工党连续赢得三届大选,相信英国人民的眼睛是雪亮的,所以无论如何这个人肯定还是有些过人之处的。没错,这个人就是英国前首相(1997年6月到2007年6月)托尼·布莱尔,因为伊拉克战争饱受争议,这场战争也给他带来无穷无尽的麻烦,无疑是他完美政治生涯的一个污点,不过这也没能阻碍他赢得后来的第三次大选和在首相位置上行使自己的职能。这个节目是英国下院每周三的首相质询时间,英文名是Prime Minister’s Questions,是国会下议院每周三的例行会议,由首相接受各议员的提问,并当场作出答复,所以当英国首相口才一定要出奇得好,不然被各议员轮番轰炸的滋味可不好受,前首相戈登·布朗执政的三年里就没少因此受挫折,而布莱尔就是口才出类拔萃的一位,被称为是英语世界里讲话最清晰流利的政治人物,在后面我们将会见识到布莱尔超强的长句子组织能力。

因为今天所介绍的英语句子不是简单的抽象的how are you? where are you?之类的句子,而是有一定的语境的,有一定的背景,不了解这些就无法理解体会这些英文的意思,所以还是简单介绍下时代背景:布莱尔1983年作为最年轻的工党议员进入下院,首次演讲就自称相信社会主义,当然后来为了顺应民意还是对自己的信仰有所修正;布莱尔和布朗做为工党少壮派被称为工党双雄,一般认为布朗加入工党较早,实力雄厚,94年工党领袖史密斯心脏病突发逝世,于是布莱尔和布朗竞争工党领袖,由于布莱尔人气稍旺,为了不因为内斗削弱工党实力,布莱尔和布朗在一家咖啡馆达成一项政治交易:由布莱尔担任工党领袖,布朗则担任未来工党政府的财政大臣,布莱尔当两届首相后,将位置让给布朗。由此为后来的工党内部不稳定埋下了伏笔。97年6月大选工党获得压倒性胜利,布莱尔出任首相,07年6月27日离任,将位置让给早就迫不及待的戈登布朗,这十年里两个人从亲密无间到争吵不休,布莱尔后来曾经形容自己有时像个受气的妇女,可见在政治舞台上风光无限的布莱尔还是时刻承受着不小的党内压力的。而两布的关系也经常遭到媒体和在野党的调侃。工党执政最大的特点是花钱够大方,对医疗系统和教育系统进行了大刀阔斧的改革,做出的成绩获得英国人民的认可,但由于财政支出太过豪放,债台高筑,导致现在的卡梅伦政府不得不缩减开支,提高学费,这也是今年到英国留学人员减少的原因之一。大致人物背景就是这样。

(一) The Prime Minister (Mr. Tony Blair): First of all, I know that the whole House will want to join me in sending our deep condolences to the family and friends of Major Paul Harding of the 1st Battalion the Rifles, and Corporal John Rigby of the 4th Battalion the Rifles, both of whom died in Iraq; and Drummer Thomas Wright, of the 1st Battalion the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment. All three of them were outstanding soldiers and will be deeply missed.(自伊拉克战争以来,每周都要做这样的哀悼,习惯就好)

Mr. Speaker, since this is the last time that this, the saddest of duties, falls to me, I hope that the House will permit me to say something about our armed forces, and not just about the three individuals who have fallen in the past week. I have never come across people of such sustained dedication, courage and commitment. I am truly sorry about the dangers that they face today in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know that some may think that they face these dangers in vain. I do not, and I never will. I believe that they are fighting for the security of this country and the wider world against people who would destroy our way of life. But whatever view people take of my decisions, I think that there is only one view to take of them: they are the bravest and the best.(再次阐明自己的伊拉克立场)

Before listing my engagements, because this is the last time that I will be able to do so, may I thank you, Mr. Speaker, for your gentle courtesy and kind forbearance toward me over the years? I have had need of both.(夸奖议长,议长笑了)

Now to my engagements. This morning, I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I will have no such further meetings today, or any other day.(每周开场白,不过这次与以往有些不同)

(二) Mr. Cameron: On behalf of everyone on these Benches, may I congratulate the right hon. Gentleman on his remarkable achievement of being Prime Minister for 10 years? [Hon. Members: “Hear, hear.”] For all the heated battles across the Dispatch Box, for 13 years he has led his party, for 10 years he has led our country, and no one can be in any doubt about the huge efforts he has made in public service. He has considerable achievements to his credit, whether it is peace in Northern Ireland or his work in the developing world, which will endure. I am sure that life in the public eye has sometimes been tough on his family, so on behalf of my party may I wish him and his family well, and wish him every success in whatever he does in future?(保守党领袖卡梅伦致欢送词,对布莱尔评价还是比较高,布莱尔这时就老实得很)

The Prime Minister: Let me thank the right hon. Gentleman for those very generous sentiments. For all the political disagreements between us, it is always important to be able to work with people on issues of national importance across the political divide, and I have always found him most proper, correct and courteous in his dealings with me, and I thank him for that. Although I cannot wish him well politically, none the less, personally, I wish him and his family very well indeed.(布莱尔致谢)

(三)Sir Nicholas Winterton (Macclesfield) (Con): I wish the Prime Minister and his family well for the future, but is he aware that a majority of the people of the United Kingdom feel betrayed by the fact that they are being drawn down further into the suffocating quicksand and expensive bureaucracy of the European Union? If he and his successor genuinely believe in trusting the people of this country as they claim, will they now honour their commitment at the last general election to a referendum to enable the people to decide on the new treaty that is in substance the old discredited constitutional treaty?(这老头很生猛)

Hon. Members: More!

The Prime Minister: First, I like the hon. Gentleman, and what I am about to say is no disrespect to him at all, but after the guttural roar from his own Benches that greeted his statement, I really believe that if I were the leader of the Conservative party I would be worried about that. I am afraid that we cannot agree on the treaty, but as for his good wishes to me, may I say to him au revoir, auf Wiedersehen and arrivederci?(最后几个词是几个外语,分别是再见,再见,再见,把老头逗笑了)

(四)Rev. Ian Paisley (North Antrim) (DUP): May I say to the Prime Minister that I fully understand the exasperation that he felt many a day when I visited him? I understand that he was downcast many a day, that he was disappointed, angry and that perhaps he even lost his temper, but I want to say that he treated me with the greatest courtesy. I disagreed with him about many things, but we faced them. I am glad that I can stand here today and say to the Prime Minister that the people of Northern Ireland felt the same way as him—they were angry and cross, lost their tempers and were sad—but we made progress. It is not as great as I would like, but the Unionist people for whom I speak in the House are dedicated to seeing what was started concluded, so that every man and woman in Ulster has the same rights, liberties and opportunities to lead their lives, have their families and have a future.(德高望重的老头)

The Prime Minister begins another colossal task. I hope that what happened in Northern Ireland will be repeated and that, at the end of the day, he can look back and say that it was well worth while.

The Prime Minister: I thank the right hon. Gentleman very much indeed for those immensely kind words. I was waiting for the “but” and it never came, and I am most grateful to him. Let me say—although it will do neither of us good in many quarters—that I found him to be not merely a very good person to work with but someone who was completely straight with me throughout my dealings with him. I wish him the best of luck in the future, because he has shown immense courage in what he has done.

(四)Mr. Alan Williams (Swansea, West) (Lab): I apologise for being more political than I normally would, but it is a special occasion.

May I wish the Prime Minister success and fulfilment in whatever he chooses to do? I hope that he chooses to do something that makes best use of those qualities that brought peace to Northern Ireland. He and I have not always agreed on policy, but I genuinely say to him that he is one of the outstanding Prime Ministers of my political lifetime and, without doubt, the most politically effective Prime Minister that the party has ever had.

May I thank him for leading us out of 18 years of wilderness life on the Opposition Benches, leading us successfully through three general elections and giving us 10 years of government with more to come? Under him, the party has once again become a natural party of government.(下院之父做总结表扬,布莱尔洗耳恭听)

The Prime Minister: I thank my right hon. Friend the Father of the House for that extraordinarily generous remark.

Mr. Speaker, if I may just finish with two brief remarks—first to the House. I have never pretended to be a great House of Commons man, but I pay the House the greatest compliment I can by saying that, from first to last, I never stopped fearing it. The tingling apprehension that I felt at three minutes to 12 today I felt as much 10 years ago, and every bit as acute. It is in that fear that the respect is contained.

The second thing that I would like to say is about politics and to all my colleagues from different political parties. Some may belittle politics but we who are engaged in it know that it is where people stand tall. Although I know that it has many harsh contentions, it is still the arena that sets the heart beating a little faster. If it is, on occasions, the place of low skulduggery, it is more often the place for the pursuit of noble causes. I wish everyone, friend or foe, well. That is that. The end.(在掌声中收尾,完美的谢幕)

